Friday 1 October 2010


So, a while back, I challenged my friend Terrie to do a blog every day in July because she had epically failed my challenge. She then went on to fail that punishment epically as well so I thought I’d see what all this fuss was about.

Just in case you haven’t worked out what BEDESO is, it means I am going to Blog Every Day Except Sundays in October. This means, starting today, I am going to blog EVERY SINGLE DAY IN OCTOBER. Well, apart from the Sundays.

Why not Sundays?! I hear you cry in a loud chorus at the screen. (Well, more likely you’re just muttering and moaning under your breath but still, I can dream.) Well, if you just wait for a bit, I’ll answer this question that is probably not bugging you at all. Basically, my Sundays are reserved for Church and family. It’s the one day of the week that I’m not rushing about trying to catch up with homework, YouTube videos, or other commitments and I’d like to keep it that way. I don’t usually go on the computer at all on Sundays so I’m not going to break that tradition. Also, I didn’t want to get your hopes up and then crash them as soon as the first Sunday rolls around. So I’m just being honest with you. That’s always the way to go.

So, over the next month, I am going to do my best to blog every day (except Sundays.) I may end up blogging about anything but I’ll try my best to make it at least vaguely interesting and if you have any ideas for blog titles or themes please add them in the comments; they will be very much appreciated.

          “So long, and thanks for all the fish”

NB: Josh and I are still waiting for some more comments on our Nerd off blogs. Please comment and tell us who you think should win: Josh, or me! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. you should do a blog about trifle. particular reason, i just felt like saying that...
