Monday 4 October 2010

BEDESO #3 (Greyscale)

When my compulsory education ended, I told myself I would never again wear the monotonous shades of grey that consumed my school uniform. ‘Grey is boring and dull’ I told myself and I saw no reason to have excessive amounts of clothes in said colour. Grey is a no-colour and yet last night I noticed that my pyjamas were basically totally grey with just the tiniest hint of pink.
The thing is: my pyjamas aren’t the only grey garments in my wardrobe. I have multiple grey things and I blame fashion. As soon as I escape the clutches of a compulsory grey uniform, fashion dictates that grey is the ‘in’ colour and half the clothes in the shops are grey; Grey t-shirts, grey and blue striped cardigans, grey jumpers.

Now, I’m not the sort of person who tends to follow the fashion. In fact, if I was able to make my own clothes I would but I totally suck at sewing so that’s not an option. I quite often think that the fashions are a bit crazy, (have you seen Lady Gaga?!) and I’d much rather make up my own outfits: I like to wear what I’m comfortable in! However, with my limited sewing skills, I have to make the most of what the shops have to offer and if that’s all grey, then that’s what my wardrobe becomes.

My most effective form of ‘fashion rebellion’ is to buy t-shirts from DFTBA artists. This may lead to numerous accounts of people asking “what does that mean?” when I wear my ALL CAPS t-shirt but at least I know it’s unique. Similarly, my Mike Lombardo Trio t-shirt (piano rock!) is one of my current favourite t-shirts. At least this one, even a Nerdfighteria n00b can understand the concept of a band t-shirt with a rock smashing a piano on it.

Although I like to be unique, it was amazing going to see the Sons of Admirals and John Green in London and seeing loads of other nerdfighters wearing utterly nerdy but totally awesome t-shirts. To see a whole bunch of people wearing the t-shirts that only my friend Terrie and I would dream of wearing out of the people at my school. It was an amazing day and maybe I’ll eventually get round to summing it up on here when I get all my footage on YouTube!

Now, as I said, I don’t understand fashion. I’ve previously expressed my opinion on leggings and harem pants and anything overly tight that makes a skinny person look fat can be added to the list. To be honest, I think guys get off lightly; chuck on jeans and a t-shirt and no one’s going to complain. Nevertheless, fashion continues to dictate what we where, even if we don’t want it too. I guess we’ll just have to live with it.

         Until tomorrow... “So long, and thanks for all the fish”

I thought, seen as I’m doing this (almost) every day, I’d add a little extra to the bottom:

Current book I’m reading: The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy
Last TV show watched: Doctor Who – Love and Monsters (I’m not sure why!)
Current web pages open: Just ‘Twitter’ and the blogger home page
Number of people I’m talking to on msn/Facebook: 1

1 comment:

  1. i'm told raspberry juice can turn any piece of cloth reddish, whether you want it to or not. so if you're really desperate to avoid grey...

    just saying...

