Tuesday 9 August 2011

Returning to those all important questions...

I’m back!

So, after an extended week away, I am ready to return with vengeance in order to scrape back the lead that Matt has so kindly given himself. I had an amazing week at beach mission with full days on the beach sharing God’s word, playing games, singing songs, sharing memory verses, playing Zonko and all manner of other things whilst gently browning myself, finished off with an extra day or so with Beth and Josh mainly. However, I’m not quite sure how to use one of Matt’s questions to tell you about Beach Mission in great detail so I’m just going to jump straight back into answering questions!

12. If you had to choose between your eyes and your ears…?

This is a hard question. I mean, genuinely hard. It’s like being told to choose between children. I guess the best way to decide is to see which I can least live without…
  • ·         Ears give you music. I very rarely go a day without listening to or singing some kind of music whether it’s my mp3 or singing at church or singing on the beach on beach mission. I'm always humming tunes. I can’t imagine life without music pulsating around me. It would just be so quiet.
  • ·         Ears mean you can hear what people are saying to you. You can talk over Skype and on the phone, it makes communicating so much easier and quicker and it means everyone else don’t have to learn sign language!
  • ·         Ears mean I can listen to audio books, particularly Doctor Who audio books read by David Tennant…. (Although I have to admit I prefer reading books. Which requires eyes…)
  • ·         Ears mean I can appreciate wonderful regional accents…
  • ·         Eyes mean I can see the beauty of creation, appreciate beautiful butterflies, pretty flowers, awesome animals and stunning scenery.
  • ·         Eyes mean I can do art. Sure, you can technically make art without eyesight but I wouldn't be able to paint and draw like I love to.
  • ·         Eyes mean I can read and watch TV programs. Audio books and audio description only compensates so much.
  • ·         A person with no eyes is more obviously different than a person with no ears. Well, girls at least with their hair down.
  • ·         My eyes are already slightly malfunctioning… I need glasses but not hearing aids…
  • ·         I could get glass eyes so I don’t look so silly…. Then again I could also get prosthetic ears.

In conclusion… am I ready to come to a conclusion? In conclusion, I think I’d rather keep my ears over my eyes. I love music just that bit too much. I’m just going to have to teach myself to play music by ear if I can’t read the music for playing my flute…

Twenty Questions status: 2 down, 18 to go...
programs open: Steam, Windows Live mail, windows media player, postit notes, word, Chrome (blogger in draft and Alex Day's Blog)
Latest music listened to: Again playing through my DFTBA playlist with the demo version of "Exterminate, Regenerate" by Chameleon Circuit currently playing.
Last film/tv watched: Top Gear. I've been catching up but I think I may have missed an episode... not sure...
Latest book read: Cecelia Ahern's "If you could see me now"
Latest edible item consumed: Crunch cake!! A chocolaty, biscuity, very sweet piece of yummyness made by my sister.
Predominant colour of clothes wearing: grey/white. I'm actually already in my pyjamas...
Days until Roothill: 11

1 comment:

  1. i'd have said eyes. i'd hate to lose either, of course, but so much of my existence revolves around visual things (drawing, painting, writing, etc) that if i had to choose then i'd definitely keep my eyes. let's just hope it doesn't come to that...
