Thursday 18 August 2011

And the obsession continues....

I'm going to be rather predictable in answering the next question. It will involve a certain time travelling TV show....

If you ruled the universe, what’s the first law you would pass?

Well, while I could be all world loving and say something that would increase world peace or I could pass some law that gives me all the chocolate I desire I think this law would be much more beneficial for all people: At least one episode of Doctor Who (Classic or Current) should be shown each day of the week. Preferably in order. Obviously my perfect ideal would be that Doctor Who was the same as friends in that you turn on the TV and you're almost certainly going to find an episode playing somewhere however if we go through the episodes too fast, firstly, we'll run out too quickly and will have to start from the beginning all too soon and secondly, the rapid viewing may lead to the BBC wishing to make new episodes way too quickly and therefore spoiling the quality. I don't really want the quality of Who episodes to drop just because I desire to watch Who more often....

How is this beneficial? Well, kids these days (and the adults too probably) need to be educated on what good TV is. No more rubbishy soaps that seem to be on for the sake of something to watch. Hmm, maybe that should be my second law... No more TV soaps... or Big Brother...

anyway.... Alons-y!

Twenty Questions status: 18 down, 2 to go!
programs open: Sticky Notes, Windows Live Mail, Chrome (Blogger in draft homepage and new post)
Latest music listened to: Remix of EddPlant's song Debut
Last film/tv watched: I started watching an episode of my family and then realised I REALLY should get to bed as it was late.
Latest book read: Alice in Time 
Latest edible item consumed: Raspberry Sorbet at a nice restaurant because my parents took me out for an A level results congratulatory meal :)
Predominant colour of clothes wearing: Blue. Couldn't be blue-er
Days until Roothill: 2

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