Saturday 7 November 2009


Today's the nearest Saturday to bonfire night, and normally, I go out to see the fireworks display that the local Scout group hold in a nearby field. However, this year, I stayed at home writing an essay. Why are you doing that? I hear you ask. Well... I took history and this essay's deadline is Monday.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate history, I just hate essay writing. I think it's fascinating finding out how different people changed how we see the world, how people used to live before they discovered electricity or flushing loos but putting all that into an ordered essay is a totally different story! Having to decide how much you agree with a statement, and then putting it all into an order that make sense to someone other than yourself. Thing is, I find it really hard to stick to the point that I set out to talk about at the beginning of the paragraph. I'll start talking about one thing and then start talking about something that is linked, but not really what I should be talking about in that paragraph!

Technology doesn't exactly help either. The teachers ask us to type our essays up on the computer so that they're easier to read which is fair enough. It also means that I can get the computer to filter out the majority of my spelling mistakes so that my teachers don't think I'm quite as unable to spell as I am! But doing that means that there are so many things to distract me! YouTube, Blogger, msn, my emails, iPlayer, facebook, you name it, it is bound to be on the list of things distracting me! Not that handwriting would be much better. Ignoring the fact that my essay would end up being more crossings out and spelling mistakes than actual essay, I would get just as distracted. I'd start writing a sentence then find myself doodling a little drawing in the margin!

Admittedly, I've had quite a while to do this essay. Over two weeks to be honest. But I do have a few excuses! Well, one proper excuse. We did have to write up some extra notes before hand. Also, some of that time was half term. Do you really expect me to get on with an essay during half term, my week off of school?! But then again, I'm now here, almost midnight, and I've still got around 600 more words to write.

Anyone want to finish it for me?!

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