Wednesday 30 December 2009


This is a funny time of year; Christmas has finished and we’re sort of in that limbo time before the New Year. The Christmas spirit has died down and the decorations and Christmas CDs floating around your house are starting to feel slightly out of place.
This Christmas, the commercial hype was largely overshadowed by the increasing encroachment of my 17th birthday. I have been looking forward to being able to learn to drive for so long that the present side of Christmas seemed pathetic in comparison. In fact, such is my excitement, my preparations have started early and I have all I need to drive except a car and my 17th birthday.

Getting ‘L’ Plates in my stocking, my provisional almost three months early and a Theory Test guide for Christmas may seem a little excessive but I am majorly excited. The thing is, this weird limbo time between Christmas and New Year dampens this excitement. How can I start counting down the days when New Year is yet to arrive and we’re not even in 2010 yet?

Nevertheless, I feel this hurdle must be leapt. I don’t tend to make a big deal about New Year and the countdown to my birthday reached the ‘one month’ mark a good few days before Christmas. Therefore I feel obliged to end this post with:

It is 21 days and 4 hours until my Birthday!

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