Tuesday 26 January 2010


It’s only Tuesday and already this week has been full of YouTube awesomeness. Ignoring the multitude of awesome YouTube videos that have scattered the subscription section on my YouTube homepage, I have also received some physical YouTubeness.

Firstly – although a little late – I got given “Looking for Alaska” by John Green from Terrie for my birthday. Yesterday, I finally became the official owner of a book written by a YouTuber: and a Vlogbrother too! I’m on page 121 at the moment (almost half way through) and it is a brilliant book. There are some awesomely nerdy comments in it and I hate putting it down. Maybe I’ll have a quite flick through what I’ve read so far and give you some of my favourite quotes so far =) (don’t worry, I’ll try to avoid spoilers!):

“I flipped to the back and found the highlighted quote (“NEVER USE A HIGHLIGHTER IN MY BOOKS,” my dad had told me a thousand times. But how else are you supposed to find what you’re looking for?).”
“I’m on a triple-and-a-half date.”

Maybe some more when I come across them =)

The second awesome thing is the fact that two of the three YouTube CDs I ordered came today! “Songs in the key of e-mail” by ALL CAPS hasn’t arrived yet but “Painfully Mainstream” by Tom Milsom and “Parrot Stories” by Alex Day both came. Since finding a brown envelope waiting patiently for me on the sofa when I got home, both CDs have been on repeat all evening. My first words as I came in were not “Hi, mum, we’re home!” but “Ooooh! My CDs have arrived!” To add to the awesomeness of this, my package came with a DFTBA sticker and an extra copy of the insert thingy for Tom Milsom’s CD. I don’t know whether the extra leaf thingy was intentional but this means I can put it in my scrapbook without harm to the original! I may also put the sticker in my scrapbook.
I got a sticker when I bought the Chameleon Circuit CD but this one is much cooler. It has four possible meaning of the DFTBA initialism and I (finally) watched Hank’s DFTBA rap which includes a number of these. If I were to make up my own, it would be something random like ‘Drizzle Fails To Be Awesome’ or ‘Don’t Fill The Bath, Aggie.’ Although I quite like ‘Don’t Forget To Blog Abroad’ despite the fact that I rarely go abroad and if I did I probably wouldn’t be able to blog even if I wanted to and remembered. Anyway, hopefully ALL CAPS’ CD will arrive soon too and my collection will be complete! (Or at least complete until their new albums come out!)

Oh, one more awesome YouTubey thing happened too: EddPlant announced that he, Tom Milsom and Alex Day will be doing a tour of the UK! I expect they’ll do a gig or two in London but I think it would be awesome if they could actually come to Kent! Apparently, we can nominate places for them to come seen as they haven’t made up their mind yet so I’ve put a link in the side... somewhere... you’ll find it =) [unless you’re reading this ages after I wrote this in which case I may have removed it due to lack in functionality and what not.]

Right, ramble over. History homework still doesn’t seem particularly inviting. DFTBA, Terrie, I have not forgotten.

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