Wednesday 1 December 2010

Esther 5 v 1 - 8

So, NaNoWriMo has come to an end, I've 'won' and now have some awesome winners badges to show off and a good sense of achievement coupled with a lot more free time. Hopefully, normal blogging will be returned to this crazy world of my blog soon enough and I won't end up finding another crazy, almost impossible challenge for myself. I should be giving you a proper update blog soonish but for now, here is the next instalment of the series in Esther. It's actually snowing a ton at the moment so I may not actually be able to go into school and take Christian Union tomorrow so, if that's the case, don't be surprise if there is not a new instalment next week. Anyway, happy reading.

Esther 5 v 1 – 8
 1 On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king's hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance.
    2 When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold sceptre that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the tip of the sceptre.
    3 Then the king asked, What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given you.
    4 If it pleases the king, replied Esther, let the king, together with Haman, come today to a banquet I have prepared for him.
    5 Bring Haman at once, the king said, so that we may do what Esther asks. So the king and Haman went to the banquet Esther had prepared.
    6 As they were drinking wine, the king again asked Esther, Now what is your petition? It will be given you. And what is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be granted.
    7 Esther replied, My petition and my request is this:
    8 If the king regards me with favour and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and fulfil my request, let the king and Haman come tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for them. Then I will answer the king's question.

Esther 5 v 1 – 8
So last time, Esther found out about Haman’s plan to have all the Jews killed on a certain day and she immediately started praying and asked her cousin and the rest of the Jews to do the same. She was putting her trust in God and God alone and we now start to see the outcome of her faith and trust.
(Verses 1 – 6)
So, Esther did not go in demanding for something to be done about the law or proclaiming loudly who she was but instead she wisely stood in the corner, not wanting to seem too intrusive and waited for the king to see her.
Of course, eventually the king saw here and here we see how God answered her prays in that she found favour in the king and he was pleased to see her. She wisely went along with the custom of touching the end of the sceptre and wisely waited for the king to speak to her first rather than rudely butting in and when she did speak she was submissive and humble.
Now, the king gave her the option to ask for absolutely anything but instead of rushing in with her request, Esther used the wisdom given to her by God and invited him and Haman to a feast.
But why did she invite Haman as well? After all, he was the one who had condemned her people to death and issued the decree. There is a phrase that goes ‘keep your friends close but your enemies closer’. Esther would not have wanted Haman thinking that she was planning something behind his back and, in fact, inviting him caused him to do the opposite, totally letting his guard down. He would have thought that he was in favour with the queen and would have felt very special and important to have been invited to Esther’s special and private banquet and we will see later how this was exactly what he thought as just how proud he had become.
So, where do you think Esther got all this wisdom from?
Although not directly stated, it is fairly obvious that God was working in an amazing way. Not only was he giving Esther wisdom to respond to the king in the best way but he also made the king unusually happy to see her and unusually generous in how he spoke to her.
Of course, Haman did not detect a hint of a problem with Esther’s request and was not at all suspicious of her and instead was just growing in pride as he thought how important he must be for being invited to such a banquet.
Now, if we quickly look back at verses 3 and 6, we see how, even before he knew her request, the king was saying that her request would be granted. This was a throw away comment and he most likely did not really mean it and he would have been shocked if Esther really had asked for half his kingdom. It was also a very stupid thing to say however he said this to a trustworthy girl who would never take advantage.
Sometimes, we use throw away comments that say that we would do anything to have such and such a thing or would not do such and such over your dead body. Although this isn’t as extreme as Xerxes throw away comment, we still need to be careful of what we say when we’re not thinking. If we don’t think about what we say, we could end up deeply regretting what we said.
(Verses 7 – 8)
So, after the banquet, the men would have been well fed and feeling very accommodating and generous. Again, the king asked Esther what she wanted and she had his full attention. She could have easily asked the king for her request. To us, this might seem the idea point in the story to ask the king to save her people and punish Haman but that was not what she did. Instead, all she did was to invite them both back to another banquet the next day.
So why did she delay? It doesn’t make sense to us and it may not have made sense to Esther but God would have known that the timing was not quite right and that God had more to do with Xerxes before he would have been ready to Esther. Esther was guided to wait and for some reason felt she had to wait until the following day.
Similarly, we shouldn’t always rush into things but, when faced with decisions, we should pray to God and listen to him as to what we should do. God’s timing is much better than ours and he knows when we should wait longer and when we should go ahead and why we should wait or go ahead. It is always important to pray about the hard decisions we face as God is much better than us at guiding our decisions.


Current book I'm reading:  'Friends like these' by Danny Wallace
Listening to music? If so, what?: 'Goodnight Bright Eyes' by Mike Lombardo has just finished and his other song 'Right Now' has just begun.
Last thing I watched: I was starting to try re-watch the TV Sherlock Holmes - A Study in Pink but iPlayer kept freezing.
Current NaNoWriMo count: 50 031!!!!! Oh yes!! :) If you want to read my 'novel', I won't be posting it on here but if you email me and ask me nicely I will send you a copy. :)

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