Monday 1 March 2010

Why oh why did she write this list? [Part 2]

Suddenly a strange noise broke the silence; a pulsating, electronic groan. Terrie spun round to find where the noise was coming from; eager to find the source. The sound grew stronger and a small breeze rustled the pages of nearby books. She knew that sound anywhere. Terrie rushed over to the lift shaft where a faint glow was shining up through the glass door. As the noise tailed off Terrie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was so sure she would wake up at any moment to find that this was all a dream.

The gentle click of a door shutting caused Terrie’s eyes to flash open. Maybe this wasn’t a dream. Maybe he was here after all. A voice drifted up from below, drowning out the sound of Terrie’s beating heart.

“Weeeell, what do we have here then? Something wrong with you, girl? Last time you sped off like that I ended up in the middle of a war with a daughter. Weeell, not a war as such and it was hardly natural parenting, but where are we?”

As this smooth, sing-song voice swept up through the lift shaft Terrie held her breath. Reaching out for the door handle she stepped into the out-of-bounds lift shaft, jumping into the basement below.

Terrie landed clumsily, falling backwards. Turning her head up a strong, skinny hand stretched out in front of her. For a moment Terrie just sat staring at his hand. A hand she thought she would never hold. Looking up into his chocolate brown eyes her heart fluttered.

“Don’t tell me you’re one of those fan girls,” he said. “Yes I’m the Doctor: the one, the only and the best. No you can’t have a photo and I don’t do autographs.”

“Urm...” Terrie mumbled, coming to her senses. “I’m not a fan girl as such. Well, I, like, follow you a bit and I admire what you’ve done but I’m not planning to faint or start screaming or anything anytime soon. It’s just... well... you.”

The Doctor gave Terrie a lopsided grin. A grin that spread up into his warm eyes, making them sparkle.

“Come on then, allons-y!”

“Thanks.” Terrie smiled back as she reached out to take his hand. The Doctor pulled Terrie to her feet then looked around at the bare basement. The only light came from the empty lift shaft and the small windows of the TARDIS.

To be continued...

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