Monday 29 March 2010

Thoughts of the Time Travel Variety

I’ve recently finished reading “The Time Traveller’s Wife” and if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do. I started reading it half expecting it to be a fairly predictable romance with a sci-fi, time travel element but how wrong was I! Without giving you any spoilers, I will tell you that the end almost made me cry and that I spent half the book wanting to be able to time travel. To be able to meet people at age 40 before age 30 would be totally surreal although I’m not convinced whether I’d be able to cope with turning up in the middle of any-when without a thing. Also, that way of time travel could be so lonely. A trip in the TARDIS would be much more fun in a number of ways.

Talking of the Doctor, the new series of Doctor Who will be on our screens in no time at all! So many people seem to be sceptical. So many refuse to believe anyone can replace Tennant but I’m looking forward to it. Stephen Moffatt, the new head writer, is amazing and he wrote all my favourite episodes. Blink, The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, and the two episodes in the library with the Vashta Nerada.

I think half the reason I’m so looking forward to the new series of Doctor Who is because I’ve always loved it for the Plots. Yeah, David Tennant is an added bonus for the past couple of series but, come on, my favourite episode is Blink and if you had any less of the Doctor it would be unfair to call it Doctor Who. (Don’t mention the episode Love and Monsters. I refuse to accept that it is actually a Doctor Who episode it is so ridiculous.)

I think part of the scepticism comes from the advert. As I said in a previous blog, it is terrible. It makes no sense. (Really, how plausible is grabbing onto a Stone Angel and causing it to disintegrate?) Also, it’s just plain cheesy.

BUT WAIT! I hear you cry. What about the 3D version? Ok, I don’t hear you cry that but I’m pretty much screaming that to myself. I am ashamed to say that the main reason for my last trip in the cinema was to see said 3D advert. That is not to diminish the awesomeness of Alice in Wonderland (which I will get to) but in 3D, the Doctor Who advert is immense. The 3D-ness transports you into the vortex and the world of the Doctor and you totally forget about the implausibility of the advert.

Anywho, Alice in Wonderland. Not quite time travel but near enough to mention it in this blog. Tim Burton’s version of it was actually amazing and, unlike many film versions of books, I was not complaining about the inaccuracy all the way through. Admittedly, there may have been inaccuracies but it was constructed in such a way that I didn’t notice at all. I was absorbed into the magical world of Underland and left with this nugget of awesomeness:

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

DFTBA, Terrie, I have not forgotten!


  1. i have done your poll about 5 times now get a new one it bores me and neeeeeeed a DFTBA Terrie challenge ... please :D

  2. Best way to time travel is on a prehistoric sofa tho, yeah?
    OK, so a TARDIS would be better but I just had to bring hitchhiker's into it :)
    And I STILL haven't seen Alice In Wonderland :(
    And I know i'm littering your page with rubbish comments but :P
