Saturday, 30 July 2011

Is this the last question?

No! Of course this isn't the last question! In fact, this is the beginning of "Twenty Questions". Do you remember back at the beginning of the year when Matt Colclough challenged me to "First 11 for '11"? Well this is the sequel. And I'm heading off to Beach Mission tomorrow so he has some what of an advantage...

Matt and I have set each other twenty questions which we each have to answer before we head off to Roothill camp on the 20th August. That would be pretty much one a day if I weren't going on Beach Mission but just because I'll be busy next week doesn't mean I'm going to let Matt win! Even if it requires five blogs in one day or working out a way to blog from my phone, I will not give up and rest assured, this will not be the last question.

Obviously, this challenge has a few rules. The main one being that each blog should be at least 100 words long however I'm now thinking that this may be a little short. I've already completed this quota and yet this blog seems a little short and pathetic. Then again, it may make it easier to catch up...

I've begun at the end, making the last question the first question and now I just have 19 more questions to complete. I think most of these I could come up with a post fairly easily and if anything, I'm going to have trouble deciding which order to do the posts in! I could have been all OCD about it and just done them in order but what's the fun in that? The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Oh, I've just realised, I could fulfil my need for order by just doing them backwards... Oh well, we'll see.

And of course, no challenge blog is complete without some stats:

Twenty Questions status: 1/20
programs open: Steam chat, too many postit notes, windows live mail and Chrome: facebook, blogger draft, A White Horizon, and instructions to make the black lotus from Sherlock that I've pinned and keep meaning to print.
Latest music listened to: Whatever was last on from my playlist of DFTBA artists
Last film/tv watched: an episode of Miranda on iPlayer that I was only half watching
Latest book read: A UBM book called "Holidays of a Lifetime!"
Latest edible item consumed: A chocolate biscuit I believe
Predominant colour of clothes wearing: Grey. Surprisingly not blue for once
Days until Roothill: 21


On Two Truths, One Lie, I'll put the whole thing on hold for a bit seen as a blog challenge has commenced however I will give you the answer to last time:

3 is the lie. This may disappoint people seen as it's the two highly esteemed films that I haven't seen and the other, rather standard film that I have... Well, if anyone wishes to lend me the DVDs....

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

"We Love John Green"

My local Waterstones is awesome. Or maybe I should say it has become awesome. My local Waterstones has discovered Nerdfighteria. OK, maybe they're unaware that by stocking all of John Green's books and one of Maureen Johnson's books they've discovered Nerdfighteria but they sure have made me and my Nerdfighting friends happy.

Of course, this branch haven't always remembered to be awesome and they still have a way to go. When my friend Terrie first went in to try order Looking for Alaska for my birthday she got a reply along the lines of "Who on earth is John Green?" and it literally wasn't until about a week or so ago that they recognised the existence of Maureen Johnson. Furthermore, they only stock "Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes" so are unable to fulfil my Johnson cravings to the extent I would like.

Nevertheless, Waterstones has gone John Green mad. For quite a while, his books have been dominating the "teen" section with little hand written reviews for some of his books, praising them like nobody's business. Being the bookaholic I am, I can't go past Waterstones without popping in and every time I go to the back of the store to check the teen section. I've seen the abundance of awesome grow and grow from a few lone copies of "Looking for Alaska" all the way to all four of John Green's books. It's so great to see John Green's books flourish outside the world of Nerdfighteria and it also gives my friends and I an excuse to leave Nerdfighter notes...

However, I think the most awesome thing I've seen when I've popped in for one of my "check ups" on the section is this:

We'll ignore the fact that (in my opinion) "Looking for Alaska" has the wrong cover and that "will grayson, will grayson" is (also in my opinion) weird in paperback form (is this me being bias against copies that are unlike my own?) and focus on what has been written underneath. Oh. My. GOODNESS. Waterstones is awesome. Well, I guess it's the staff more than the big chain but still, EPIC. Who would have thought that a branch of a mainstream UK book store would get so hyped up about an American Nerdfighting author? Well I'm not complaining. :)


(I'm not going to do Two Truths, One Lie this post seen as I posted so recently but don't fear! I will blog again with the answer soon! I hope!)

Every proverbial cloud...

You know you haven't blogged in a while when:

1) You keep getting bugged on Formspring to blog
2) The format of blogger has changed so you don't recognise how to use it
3) Matt starts suggesting blog challenges to get us both blogging more!

I have no idea why I haven't been blogging, I mean, I love blogging and I've run out of excuses such as "exams" and "school" and "work". Re-reading The Hunger Games trilogy is hardly a valid excuse and that didn't use up the almost month since I last blogged; The Hunger Games is too good to read that slowly!

On the plus side, not blogging for so long has given me many things to write about. I've had plenty of ideas, read enough books to review, played enough Portal 2 to at least begin to review it (I still haven't quite finished the whole thing but when gives you lemons, I'm not just going to sit back and make lemonade... ok, that only makes sense as a reference...) and I've got plenty of free time to rustle up some random drawings, moan about various things and just generally bore you readers to the brink of destruction. (Then again, I hope I'm not quite that boring...)

Also, I've realised that you're probably wondering what the answer to "Two Truths, One Lie" is seen as I've left you swinging for so long. However, it has given you longer to guess. The handful of you who read... See, every cloud has a silver lining and all that :)

So, welcome back! Have a happy summer and I hope to see you here again soon! Alons-y!


Two Truths, One Lie:

Last time, number one was the lie. Surprisingly, I haven't got a toy sheep named Wooly but if anyone wishes to fix that gaping hole, my address is: [You really thought I'd be that stupid?]

Now for this time's....

1) I've never seen Jurassic Park
2) I've never seen Toy Story 3
3) I've never seen Cars