Saturday 4 September 2010

Annoyances (1-50)

It generally annoys me that things annoy me and as entertaining as it is to read all my ‘pet peeves’, I feel that to just list annoyances is a bit unbalance. So, for every thing that annoys me, I’m going to list something that makes me smile. =) Annoyances first, smiles after the /

1) People who swear excessively / When I get left a nice comment on my blog
2) My sister interrupting my music with an oboe practice / My sister giving me a hug
3) Mixing sweet and savoury. Like pineapple on pizza / Just hugs, in general, from people I love
4) People who refuse to talk to you for stupid reasons / Meeting a fellow inter-nerd
5) People pushing in front of you in a queue / OAP couples holding hands
6) Really, REALLY slow computers / New videos from awesome YouTubers
7) Spam followers on Twitter / Genuine new followers on Twitter
8) Sitting on chewing gum / Getting an @reply on Twitter
9) Junk email / A well thought out email that is basically a snail mail letter in binary form
10) Receiving university information and prospectuses from universities that don’t do veterinary / Getting post from a friend
11) Finding myself trying to push my glasses up my nose when I’m not wearing them / The noise of group of Christians singing hymns at the top of their voices
12) When the words of hymns and songs are changed beyond recognition / Finding that I’m not the only young Christian who thinks ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ should be kept in old hymns
13) The quietness of Facebook chat’s ‘ping’ when you get a new message / When someone sends me a nudge on msn and it plays a bit of Chameleon Circuit
14) Reading negative Nerdfighter Secrets / Being in a room of Nerdfighters singing along to Trock
15) When school makes you wait around school for over an hour to confirm something that could have been emailed / learning something new and exciting
16) When you can’t delete yourself from a Facebook message thread / Being complimented
17) When your parents wake you up earlier than you need to be woken / Driving
18) When things break. Especially when it’s something you really like / Being bought something by a friend
19) When guys insist on paying for EVERYTHING / When guys offer to pay for something little (Sorry guys, but I’m just being awkward there!)
20) Magazines like Sugar and Cosmopolitan / Solving a 4 x 4 Rubik’s cube (because I haven’t learnt an algorithm for the first bit)
21) People who want to be famous, just for the fame / Musicians who aren’t in it for the money or the fame
22) Forgetting stuff / Alone time
23) Having no signal when you need it / Getting a phone call from a friend
24) Nonversations / Having a really deep talk with your friend, even if it’s just over IM
25) Getting clothes really dirty when they were clean on in the morning / The feel of new socks
26) People writing in my notebooks without permission / starting a new page in a notebook
27) People who are less into Doctor Who just because David Tennant left / A new episode of Doctor Who
28) When biros stop working although they’re still full of ink / finishing a Bic biro right to the end
29) When a newly sharpened pencil breaks / Finding out that a friend has become a Christian
30) Seeing hate comments on the internet against Christian beliefs / The smell of new books
31) When a bookshop or library doesn’t have the book I’m after / Seeing John Green’s books in the Ashford Waterstones
32) When a new edition of a book has the ‘wrong’ cover / When someone understands a nerdy reference
33) When people have a go at me for not liking Harry Potter / Finding a fellow anti-Harry
34) When parents and teachers give you a long answer when you were after either yes or no / Finding messages from my parents
35) When good friends give impersonal and pointless gifts / Well thought out presents (like my scrapbook!)
36) Over-protective girlfriends / Being so comfortable with a guy that he might as well be your brother
37) People who read my blog on Facebook but never visit the actual site / People visiting my blog!!
38) Dog owners who won’t accept that their dog is fat / Vets who let me inject animals and do more than just watch
39) When my favourite clothes start to wear out / When you try something on in the changing room and it fits perfectly first time
40) When I’m called Anna instead of Hannah / When you find money you didn’t realise you had
41) When too many people in one day mention the palindrome nature of my name / Looking at the stars with friends
42) When the H on the end of my name is forgotten / Cloud-gazing with friends
43) When a boyfriend totally fails to notice that you’re upset and another guy friend notices instead / Being given a really long, comforting hug
44) Pointless Facebook groups / Bumping into a friend you haven’t seen in ages
45) Moths and spiders above your head when you’re trying to sleep / Seeing a pretty butterfly
46) Not understanding an inside joke / Nostalgic moments
47) Losing track of the time / Realising it’s an hour earlier than you thought
48) Losing something you were sure you knew where it was / Having the top deck of the bus to yourself
49) Year nines taking the back seat on the bus and being overly noisy / Younger years respecting the sixth formers
50) Having really good blog ideas but not getting them down anywhere so they get lost in the mess of my brain / Posting a new blog

Well, there are 50 things that annoy me (and 50 things that make me smile). I may add to them in a future blog but considering the current time, I think I’ll leave it there. Goodbye!

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