Saturday 24 October 2009

Hello, how are you? I'm fine ta, How are you?

Hi! I'm Hannah, 16, live in Kent, England, a Christian, like sheep, blah blah blah....blah...

I thought I'd start a blog coz I'm always ranting about things to my friends but quite often they seem to switch off after I go "Oh! You'll never guess what!" Soooo.... I thought, just maybe, if I started a blog, the people who would answer "Oh! Hannah, I don't know, TELL ME!!" would listen and mean that my ramblings aren't for nothing =D

I apologize now for one thing: my spelling. I expect you've already picked out about ten zillion spelling mistakes in my blog. I'm sorry. My English teacher despised of my spelling so much she threatened to disembowel, dissect, disembody, and all other disastrous things beginning with d-me. But hopefully, as wonderful as you are, you will be able to overlook my appalling spelling, and just read my blogs so I can punctuate your day with a smile =)

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